The never ending financial woes of Nadya Suleman aka OctoMom, are starting to get a bit boring. It would probably help if she got a job, but she seems relatively unwilling to do that… even when they fall in her lap.
The wise guys at Vivid Entertainment, an adult film manufacturer, offered Octomama $500,000 to film a sex scene. They think they were being nice guys, offering to help keep her house and stay off government assistance.
When Steve Hirsch‘s (president of Vivid) assistant called Nadya, she told them “I am so angry I should go over to the Vivid office for a meeting in a burka to make a point!”
She went on to declare that she had been celibate for 11-years.
I’m not sure what’s scarier, the idea of Octomom having sex, or the idea of Octomom yelling at me.